La Reducción Del Pecho Femenino, también conocida como Mamoplastia de Reducción, tiene como finalidad remodelar senos grandes, pesados y caidos.

Breast Reduction, also known as Mammoplasty Reduction, works to remodel large, heavy, and sagging breasts.

This procedure extracts the skin, breast tissue, and fat to shape the female bust. Many women desire reductions for various medical reasons, such as pain, posture disorders, and skin diseases.

Thanks to this procedure, our patients manage to improve in their overall health. They experience improved physical activity, reduced back, shoulder and neck pain, and better posture, while also improving their physical appearance, self-esteem, and quality of life.

Ideal Candidates

The breast reduction will relieve physical discomfort and improve the appearance of the breasts. The ideal candidates for this surgery are women in good health who have large breasts and experience physical and emotional discomfort, directly related to the size of their breasts.

Your STIMA Breast Reduction Consultation

“The first step any patient must take is being able to fully understand the breast reduction procedure. In doing so, that is the only way a patient can make the right decision.” – Victor Astudillo

STIMA’s priority is to educate our patients about the different surgical procedures and determine a good candidacy. Dr. Víctor Astudillo puts special emphasis on the preoperative consultation in which he focuses on the patient’s different options. After a thorough evaluation of anatomy, mammary, and body proportions, we develop a surgical plan with the patient. In doing so, we cover all doubts and concerns, and ensure that a decision is made as a mutual agreement with realistic expectations.

How is this procedure performed?

The reduction is done under intravenous sedation or general anesthesia. The surgery lasts around 2.5 hours and could be combined with other procedures, thus lengthening the surgery time. Dr. Víctor Astudillo uses techniques customized to each patient.

The breast reduction is a surgical procedure that must be performed in an operating room for safety and technical purposes, alongside a certified anesthesiologist. Patients must stay at the Clinica Latino hospital for one night.